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Iconic Healthcare Solutions supported living services specialise in housing and support for the:
Young and elderly people
Homeless families and individuals
People with physical disabilities
People with learning disabilities
People with mental health needs
We believe in encouraging and motivating people to do as much as they can for themselves, by helping them to gain practical and cognitive skills through personalised support. The people we support have the choice and control in their lives, and have a voice which shapes our services, based on their preferences and views. We provide support so that people can move on to live independently and/ or provide permanent accommodation with support when complete independence is not possible. We make every effort to help people live happy and fulfilling lives.
As young, vibrant and fast-growing team, we value our relationships with our clients as we combine creative and technical services to achieve commercial goals.
We exist to help businesses to reimagine, reinvent and transform their digital world. Our work for some of the world’s leading brands is recognised for challenging the market, driving innovation and accelerating business performance to exponentially grow sales.
House of Africa believes in challenging the status quo and inspiring leaders to secure the future of global citizens.